Dec 3, 2023Liked by Aussie Naturist

I so enjoy your articles and especially the ones that bring to our attention the beauty of naturalism and nudity including all of the parts of us that make us unique. I have found that nudists in general are very happy to share their own unique beauty and qualities in a very open and honest way. Genital jewelry and adornments are never meant to cover something up but rather a celebration of one’s uniqueness and expression. Your personal appearance is so refreshing and honest and the fact that you include photos of yourself in your articles shows how beautiful the human body is, in every way. I for one find your body very attractive and enjoyable to look at, especially knowing how much you have dedicated yourself to sharing naturalism with others. Thank you for your insights and not hiding behind clothing or writing articles that deny by exclusion, that our penises and vaginas are just as much a part of us as our arms, legs or head. Men especially seem to be more concerned about their exposure of their genitalia than women and are quicker to identify genitalia with a sexual component, maybe because erect penises are often mistaken as an indicator of sexual interest or intent. I commented on another article that appeared on Substack denouncing that correlation stating that as a nudist for 3 decades I have seen men sporting erections, I’ve seen penises looking as if they just came out of the arctic ice bath and everything in between. This, in addition to the different types, colors and sizes of individual flaccid penises. Never once did I witness any of these men in any state of flaccid to erect, behave or appear to be embarrassed or ashamed or concerned with what others were thinking and neither were any seemingly aware that a particular body part was of more or less important or significant than another. I have seen both men and women wearing genital jewelry, enhancements and other items including surgical. All were definitely an expression of appreciation for something that we all possess but very few non-nudists will mention let alone understand that it is all part of our natural beauty and equally as beautiful as every other part of our bodies. We are bombarded daily by a society delivered by a Victorian mindset, separating ourselves from our bodies and dismantling us into parts instead of a whole. The freedom to self express and the ability to be comfortable in any state, and the tremendous satisfaction of being whole and naked is the greatest gift that anyone can experience. The only part of us that gets in the way of experiencing such happiness is the part we let others opinions and feelings or beliefs dictate our behavior.

Thank you for sharing your journey with self acceptance and body image especially because a lot of men in particular think that only women experience those feelings. It’s beyond time for all of mankind to accept our bodies and ourselves as a whole entity made up of parts that make us unique and at the same time, the same.

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